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CH Sentinel's Blue Chip, ATTS


Roscoe was our first Cane Corso!  We got him at eight weeks of age and because of his presence in our lives, we fell in love with this amazing breed.  Roscoe loved being a show dog and was hands down one of the nicest moving Cane Corsos we have ever seen.  We are so fortunate that he passed this on to his puppies and grand puppies.  Roscoe was full of energy and was such a playful dog.  He slept on the bed with us his whole life.  Roscoe is sorely missed.  He gave us 10 amazing years. 

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BIS, BISS, ICCF GrCh, MBA, Rarities, ARBA,

CH Scandifios Caesar di Carfagna, CGC, GDT


Caesar came to us at almost three years of age.  He was one of our Foundation Dogs and we couldn't be happier that we had the opportunity to use his genetics to set our line.  His structure and temperament are evident in his puppies and in the now six generations of dogs we have produced.  Caesar was an amazing dog to watch while he worked and in the show ring.  As a member of our pack we loved and adored him.  He lived out his retirement on our couch.  Caesar gave us 10 incredible years. 

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ICCF/CCAA CH Scandifios Hercules II, CGC


Hercules came to us as a 10 month old puppy.  He was hands down the best house dog that we have ever had.  Hercules could run with any dog, play with a litter of 6 week old puppies, go in the show ring or simple settle at your side on the couch.  There was never a more content and happy go lucky dog.  He gave us 9 wonderful but short years.

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AKC Ch, CKC CH Scandifio'n Darkstone's Raptor


Raptor came to us as an 18 Month old and wormed his way into our hearts and lived with us today.  Raptor's sire was our 'Caesar' who was bred to Bondina.  Once he bonded to us, Raptor became one of the most loyal and protective dogs we have ever had.  He reminded us so much of his Dad, Caesar, it is uncanny sometimes the similarities.  We also had his sister 'Twiggy'.  he and his sister enjoyed their retirement and both lived Long lives....Raptor was 13 1/2 when he passed....He is greatly missed.

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