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Tibetian Mastiffs

Dreamcatcher's Keeper of the Keys @ Darkstone

Hagrid is our second Dreamcatcher Tibetan Mastiff.....Born in Seattle, WA....Son of Major and BadB.  We are overwhelmed with the gift of this stunning dog from Debbie and Brad.  Hagrid is a joy - From his puppyhood to adulthood...A Happy Happy Happy dog that is just a big fuzzy ball of fun to have around.  We are thrilled to be able to co-own this baby with Ric and Tanya.

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Dreamcatcher's Major's Childe of the Gunslinger

Roland was our first Tibetan Mastiff.....Born in Seattle, WA....Son of Major and Bella.  We were thrilled to welcome this stunning young dog into our pack and thoroughly enjoyed and loved the 'Mega Baby'.  Tragically he left this world at a very young age.  He is sorely missed.

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